Bicycle Rental, Repair, Sales and Information
1900 N El Camino Real, San Clemente, CA 92672
Hours of Operation: 10am – 6pm
Closed Wednesday
We are closed when it rains.
(949) 510-3682
Email: Bicyclessanclemente@gmail.com
We rent a variety of bicycles for the whole family, ranging from single speed beach cruisers to road bikes. We have class 1 electric bikes for some easier riding, or Eliptigos for those endorphin junkies.

We offer repairs for the folks riding along the coast, including, flat repair, brake adjustments, and derailleur adjustments. Full Tune-ups are $100 plus parts, and we can usually do them same day.

As a residents of Southern California as well as lifelong cyclists, we have information on where to ride, what to see in nearby, some delicious local eateries, and breweries. Whether you are local or a tourist we may have some places for you to check out. All accessible by bicycle of course.

About Us
We are a small local business focused on the use of bicycles for recreation and lifestyle.

Where to Ride
Located at North Beach we have access to plenty of beautiful and easy rides. North to Dana Point harbor and San Juan Capistrano or south along the beach trail or bike route through town to San Onofre.

We offer a variety of high quality bikes form brands such as Fuji, Tuesday, Izip, Haibike, Yuba, Surly, and Eliptigo.